Legislative / Political Advocacy

PEC buttonCAPE: Enhancing Public Service Through Legislative/Political Advocacy

The CAPE Political Endorsement Committee (PEC) is comprised of member-volunteers who dedicate their time, experience and energy to help ensure that CAPE members are properly engaged in state and local campaigns.  The CAPE PEC assesses each request for endorsement for its potential to advance the collective agenda of L.A. County and Sanitation Districts' professional employees to (1) provide quality public services for residents and businesses, and (2) protect the career interests of CAPE-represented employees.

The PEC meets as needed each election cycle to take input from individual candidates for public office and/or ballot measure campaigns with potential to impact the vital public services CAPE members provide. The committee reviews all input received and then makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for action on endorsements and ballot measure positions. The CAPE Board of Directors is the final decision making authority on all CAPE endorsements and ballot measure positions.

To volunteer for the CAPE PEC, please contact Leslie Simmons, Communications & Field Services Director, at (626) 243-0340.

Current Legislative Issues We're Watching:

AB 1250 (support): Would add a section to the Government Code regarding counties contracts for personal services, aka "contracting out."

Click here to read the letter sent to Sen. Mike McGuire, the chair of the state's Senate Governance and Finance Committee.

SB 362 (support) : Would add Code Enforcement Officers to the list of public service employees whose personal information is not available in records of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

For many of our members, particularly those working for the Department of Regional Planning, this is an important bill. Many of our members use their own personal vehicles for inspections and code enforcement.

Click here to read the letter CAPE sent to state senators.

SCA-12 (oppose): Proposed amendment to the state constitution that would directly effect the governance of Los Angeles County. The amendment asks state voters to approve what LA County voters have rejected eight times - expanding the Board of Supervisors and creating an elected position of Chief Executive Officer for the county.

Click here to read the letter CAPE sent to state assembly and senate members.

Want to contact your state representative regarding these pieces of legislation? Click here to find your California representative.


The CAPE FAIR PAC is a voluntary political action committee established by the CAPE Board of Directors in 2005 specifically to defend against the legislative and ballot initiative attacks on public services, local funding, and pensions. Sign up for CAPE FAIR PAC here.

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