Protect Secure Retirements

CAPE on Public Employee Pensions

CAPE supports efforts to stop pension spiking and put an end to any cases of abuse in public employee pension systems. However, there is no pension crisis in L.A. County. L.A. County pension benefits are modest, L.A. County employees already contribute to their pension costs, and our members' pensions are adequately funded and responsibly managed by LACERA.

L.A. County is already a model for effective pension reform, thanks to decades of employees and employer working cooperatively in collective bargaining. Local government pension changes SHOULD NEVER be negotiated from Sacramento.

Click on titles below to download their pdfs:

2008 Financial Report CAPE's Counsel Blaine Meek Defends Public Pensions - L.A. Daily News

2008 Financial Report Look to L.A. County for Pension Reform Success, Letter by L.A. County CEO

2008 Financial Report L.A. County Already a Model Example of Pension Reform, County CEO Fact Sheet  

2008 Financial Report Know the Pension FACTS -- CAPE Handout

Public Employee Pensions Under Attack

2008 Financial Report Governor Brown's 12 Point Pension Reform Proposal

2008 Financial Report Government Employees Pension Reform Act of 2012, Version #1

2008 Financial Report Government Employees Pension Reform Act of 2012, Version #2

Pension News for CAPE members

2008 Financial Report Setting the Record Straight About Public Pensions

2008 Financial Report A Common Sense Look at Public Pensions 

2008 Financial Report Claims That Bond Debt, Pension Costs Will Cause Imminent State and Local Budget Meltdown Are Exaggerated 

2008 Financial Report L.A. Times runs op-ed attacking public employee pensions 

2008 Financial Report CAPE members help set the record straight!  Write a letter to the L.A. Times editor 

2008 Financial Report How to submit your letter to the editor

2008 Financial Report Pensions Op-Ed by County CEO Fujioka - July 2010

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