2013 CAPE Contract Bargaining Update:
CAPE members' salary and fringe benefit contracts with Los Angeles County are scheduled to expire at the end of September 2013. The salary (bargaining unit) contracts are negotiated exclusively by the CAPE Negotiating Teams. The fringe benefits contract is negotiated by the Coalition of County Unions (CCU), an alliance of ten unions representing LA County employees, including CAPE.
In January and February, hundreds of CAPE members completed the CAPE 2013 Online Contract Negotiations Membership Survey. The official Survey results were tallied, and are being reported to CAPE members at their work locations. To request a presentation of the CAPE Survey results at your work location, please call CAPE at (213) 484-0400.
In March, the CAPE Board of Directors selected the CAPE Negotiating Teams for the upcoming salary contract negotiations. The CAPE Teams had their orientation meeting on March 27th. They are meeting throughout April to develop bargaining proposals to submit to LA County. The CAPE Survey results, extensive County Budget and economic data, and a comprehensive staffing level analysis of all of the CAPE-represented job categories, are just some of the tools the CAPE Negotiating Teams will use as they develop the CAPE bargaining proposals.
CAPE Launches Petition Campaign for a Fair COLA Pay Increase:
Los Angeles County professionals have sacrificed through more than four years of budget cuts, hiring freezes, and frozen wages to help the County survive the nation's worst economic crisis in generations. Now, in 2013, it is time for the County Board of Supervisors to recognize those sacrifices and strengthen LA County by approving a fair cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) pay increase for the County's dedicated professional employees.
Last week, CAPE representatives began circulating a Petition to the Board of Supervisors to make the case for a fair COLA pay increase for professional employees. To support a fair pay increase for County professional employees, please sign the CAPE Petition today!
For the complete CAPE Petition text and instructions on how to sign the CAPE Petition at your worksite, please CLICK HERE.
CAPE Announces Salary Inequity Seminar for CAPE Members -- April 25th:
Salary inequity presentations made by CAPE members to County management in past contract negotiations helped correct critical staffing and other operational problems for CAPE members.
If you are a CAPE member and you believe your job classification series with LA County is underpaid, resulting in recruitment/retention or other operational problems for your job classification series, you have an opportunity as a CAPE member to present the problem to your Department's management and a CEO Representative during the upcoming contract negotiations.
CAPE Salary Inequity Seminar
Thursday, April 25, 2013
6:30 to 8:45 p.m.
CAPE office - 1910 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste 600
RSVP to (213) 484-0400 or Jason@capeunion.org
Attendance is mandatory at the Seminar if you wish to make a salary inequity presentation to management during the upcoming contract negotiations.
For more information regarding the CAPE Salary Inequity Seminar, CLICK HERE.
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