CAPE Membership Survey Shows Professional Employee Priorities for 2015 Contract Negotiations
Hundreds of CAPE members responded to the 2015 Salary and Fringe Benefit Contract Negotiations Survey in November and December. Complete results will be presented to the Board of Directors and Negotiating Teams in January 2015 as part of their preparations for the 2015 contract bargaining.
Preliminary topline results of the Survey indicate some of the major priorities of CAPE members heading into the 2015 contract discussions. Regarding duration of the next Salary and Fringe Benefit contracts, given the perceptions of economic recovery, as well as the changes in County leadership with two new County Supervisors in 2014 and two more coming in 2016, a new County Assessor, and a new acting CEO; more than 85% of CAPE members prefer a 2 or 3 year contract term as opposed to a longer term.
On pay and working condition issues, considering that wages have not come close to keeping up with the growth in the cost of living in southern California over the last several years, it’s no surprise that “across-the-board cost-of-living-adjustments” and “salary inequity adjustments” ranked as the highest priorities among the County’s professional employees. On working conditions, restoring staffing to pre-Great Recession levels to help with the high workloads at several County Departments and reducing the practice of contracting-out at the Department of Public Works also ranked as high priorities for the upcoming negotiations.
On fringe benefit issues, pension protection, coverage of increasing medical premiums in CHOICES, and protection/improvement of the Deferred Compensation and Thrift Plan (Horizons) ranked as the highest priorities among CAPE members. Increased time-off, whether for vacation, sick time, or Holidays, also ranked as a high priority.
The CAPE Membership Survey also solicited input on issues pertaining to membership organizing, CAPE members’ media preferences, and more. The complete Survey results will help inform the CAPE Board of Directors and Negotiating Teams for the development of 2015 contract bargaining proposals, as well as union programs, for years to come. Thank you to all CAPE members who took the Survey!
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