The County is Costing You Money
By failing to negotiate equitable Unit and Fringe Benefits contracts for members of the California Association of Professional Employees.
For the Unit Contracts, the County is demanding CAPE members agree to a base salary increase of just 7% over three years.
FACT: The Consumer Price Index increased 3.9% over the last year. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
For the Fringe Benefits Contract, the County is demanding all county union members - including CAPE members - accept lower contributions to their Choices health plans.
The County’s contribution increase offer for your health plan: 1% - 2019; 2% - 2020; 2% - 2021.
Additionally, the County’s contribution increase offer for your dental insurance is ZERO.
Meanwhile, health plan premiums on average will increase 17% over those three years.
The County also wants to cap your cashback in the second and third year of the contract.
The 2020 cap is $325 and the 2021 cap is $244. Many members take home $350 or more from cafeteria benefits. These caps will end that.
For the first time in contract negotiations history, the County is including wage bonuses in its Fringe Benefits contract—an agreement that covers your health, retirement and other general benefits.
Their offer: A one-time $500 bonus; a .5% bonus on Jan. 1, 2020; and in the third year of the Fringe Benefits Contract a 2.75% half step increase*.
* This half step increase only applies to those who are in their last step. For Appraiser Members, it will occur in the 12th Step. Those not reaching this point by the third year of the contract will not receive this increase.
FACT: The County's offers are a BAD DEAL. Do the math - see how your paycheck will be affected.
JOIN US! EVERY WEDNESDAY: Wear Blue and Join or Create a Local Unity Break!
Let management know we are united and will FIGHT for an EQUITABLE contract!
On Twitter? Tweet the Supervisors, CEO and Assessor Prang and let them know how their demands and cuts will affect you! (Be sure to tag CAPE @capeunion and/or use the hashtag #CAPEunited.)
If you live in one of the Supervisors districts, let them know you’re also a constituent!
Sup. Janice Hahn (Chair) @SupJaniceHahn
Sup. Hilda Solis @HildaSolis
Sup. Kathryn Barger @kathrynbarger
Sup. Mark Ridley-Thomas @mridleythomas
Sup. Sheila Kuehl @SheilaKuehl
CEO Sachi Hamai @LACountyCEO
Assessor Jeffrey Prang @LACAssessor
Questions? Contact your CAPE representative at 626.243.0340 or email
Follow CAPE on Facebook (/capeunion) and Twitter and Instagram (@capeunion).
Click here to download this information as a PDF flier.
Phone Blitz! On Jan. 30 & 31 we're calling ALL the Supervisors and asking them to tell CEO Sachi Hamai to negotiate a fair contract! Click here for the flier.
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