Supervisor Sheila Kuehl Appoints Longtime CAPE Communications Consultant to County Economy and Efficiency Commission
Longtime CAPE communications consultant Jeffrey Monical was appointed last month to the County Economy and Efficiency Commission by newly elected 3rd District Supervisor Sheila Kuehl.
The appointment presents an opportunity to provide input on County operations. The Economy and Efficiency Commission has recently issued reports expediting the Civil Service Hearing Commission processes, and conducted a thorough review of the County government's transition to "E-Government applications".
The Economy and Efficiency Commission was originally established in 1964 to examine any function of County government at the request of the Board of Supervisors, on its own initiative, or as suggested by others. The Commission conducts reviews of all aspects of local government policy, management, and operations. Upon the completion of these reviews, the Commission submits its recommendations to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. The objective of these recommendations is to improve the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of local government.
Mr. Monical serves on the commission as Supervisor Kuehl's appointee to represent her Third District interests of LA County residents and business. Mr. Monical has provided communications services for CAPE since 1997. Prior to working for CAPE, Mr. Monical served as legislative staff working on criminal justice issues, transportation policy and state budgetary debates while in the California State Capitol.
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